Here are some photos I took around my house and neighborhood, inspired by the theme "Time, Texture and Pattern".
The above photo is an interpretation of the word 'time'. This is because time can be thought of us a line that is constantly being 'drawn' - the curving lines can represent distortions of time.
The 'face' of this kiwi has a surprisingly complex texture, from close up. The pattern of the inside of the kiwi reminds me of other shapes in nature, such as those of flowers, sun rays, sea urchins, etc. This reminds me of how the same simple shapes are used over and over again in nature.
Below is a Photoshop collage of some of the photos above, and a few others. It is the general plan of a painting I am currently working on. The sort of 'upside-down jelly fish thing' on the left is my dog's nose (upside down), and the red branches are from a picture of a 'tree skeleton' I took.
Directly above is my favorite, and by far
most exciting, part of the design!
Below is another Photoshop collage of my own photos.
In the background, in the first 'layer', is a picture of the view into a glass vase, looking like the view from inside a sort of tunnel ('vortex', Doctor Who thoughts were in my mind when I chose it for the background - these thoughts were what made me decide the photo was an interesting interpretation of 'time') Over top are images of cowry shells (stringed onto a basket), a pine-cone, and the leaf from above.
You chose the right one for the large painting. It would be wonderful to see this one animated into life though...